

Today I went to a funeral.

For someone I had never met.

Yet, I was inspired.

Have you ever stopped to think what might be said about you at your funeral?

Do you wonder if you have lived your life in a way that would be worth remembering?

Who will come to support your family and loved ones?

As I sat there listening to the words that were spoken about someone I didn’t even know I felt an overwhelming sense of peace, and comfort.

I feel blessed.

For the knowledge I have that families can be together forever.

That I was born into a family that was centered around the gospel.

That Christ atoned for my sins.

All in all, I have a great life.

I am blessed.


paige and jord said...

well said amy. how sweet!

Jenn said...

i know. i would feel the same way if I had me for a sister.