
top five.

top five things that made our january great... in no particular order.

1. brooks and i took a trip to california to visit my sister and her family while matt went on a business trip.  flying alone with a baby wasn't as bad as i anticipated.  brooks was a champ, but i did have some interesting moments....

-i managed to squeeze poop out of a dirty diaper all over my leg and boot.
-had to de board the plane and flight ended up getting cancelled.. so we spent an extra day.
-flashed my boobies anywhere from 5-7 times while trying to nurse on the plane.
-due to airplane pressure when i opened my contigo water bottle on the plane it shot out like old faithful and drenched all the people sitting in the three rows in front of me.
...to name a few.

2. attending BYU basketball games with my two favorite boys...go cougs!

3. gaining a new sister in law.  matt's little brother andrew got married to lauren and we couldn't be more happy or excited for them.

4. finally buying a high chair for brooks.  he loves it.

5. the end of a two week sickness for brooks, which included millions of baths.
praying we steer clear of any sickness for the rest of the winter.. blah!

we also had some game nights with friends, many beverage runs, a 7 month old birthday,  family ice cream date, several take your wife and child to work with you days, family sleepovers, a trip to the E.R., business trips, movie nights, and lots of poopy diapers.

we live a good life.
so long, january.


Amberly said...

Haha, you did have some adventures on the plane. I would have paid to see your water bottle become a geyser, just as long as I was away from the splash zone ;)

Amberly said...

Haha, you did have some adventures on the plane. I would have paid to see your water bottle become a geyser, just as long as I was away from the splash zone ;)

Amy said...

And that was just on the plane?! You poor thing! How were the people that got sprayed?? Love sink baths! Glad the Mister is feeling better!