
home alone.

i truly love that movie, home alone.
i can quote the whole thing...just ask my husband.

day twenty two:
what do you do when you are home alone?

stalk blogs
take tubs
paint my nails
be lazy

my biggest secret is this....

half hour before the husband comes home, i hurry and clean the house.
haha seriously though, and then he's all proud because he thinks i've been cleaning all day.

what do YOU do when you are home alone?


Tatiana said...

pretty much the same as you, actually! (right down to the rushing to clean before the parents arrive... sad but true) except I also blast music and dance around crazily. much more satisfying when no one's around.

Anonymous said...

haha amy I LOVE this! Seriously, I do the same thing... be lazy as crap until about thirty minutes prior to JJ getting home, then I am like oh my gosh I better clean and have dinner started. Boom.. done!

Xo. Nicole

Anonymous said...

haha amy I LOVE this! Seriously, I do the same thing... be lazy as crap until about thirty minutes prior to JJ getting home, then I am like oh my gosh I better clean and have dinner started. Boom.. done!

Xo. Nicole

aimymichelle said...

kinda weird but i pee with the door open.